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Dental Health Check

A Dental Health Check is our chance to make sure that your teeth are in perfect shape, and hopefully prevent any major problems before they occur.

Did you know we check 12 aspects of your dental health?

Every time you see All Smiles Dental Practice for a Dental Health Check, we include:

  1. Your awareness of your dental health
  2. Any concerns you may have since we last saw you
  3. Any specific risks to your oral health in your everyday life (e.g. if you smoke, are stressed, etc it may be even more important to keep an eye on your teeth and gums)
  4. How you feel about the appearance of your smile
  5. Your progress (how your health is compared to the last time we saw you)
  6. The health of your teeth
  7. The heath and stability of fillings, crowns, etc that you may have
  8. The health of the inside of your mouth, i.e. an oral cancer check
  9. The health of your jaw joint
  10. Your general health, including any medications you take (there are many conditions and over 200 medicines that affect the mouth and we need to know about these)
  11. The health of your lymph nodes and salivary glands
  12. The health of bone levels and the areas inside, under and between the teeth.

To book a dental health check, or for more information, call us on 01522 532967 or 01522 543982